
This installation is an attempt to explore the idea of sub-consciousness being a singular entity and its existence scattered as projections in every plane. These entities are linked with a network of planes and come in contact with each other with Energy that gives them a reason for contact and a purpose. The essence of individuality can be preserved even when these entities form a collective.
The sphere is the only embedded surface that lacks boundary or singularity with constant mean curve. Existence of a sphere in a form of infinite physical projections of itself eliminates the quality of uniqueness when observed together in a physical plane. When an external energy is exposed to these particles it immediately shifts its state of being on its plane, now the differences in the particles can be observed with the intensity of its reaction towards the certain energy as its situation of existence on the plane differs. This way each particle achieves a singularity amongst itself.
The installation consists of minute metal spheres contained in a stainless steel plate which is exposed to a magnetic field placed below its surface which channelizes energy and pressure leading to a process of a form. The magnets are assisted with a mechanical DC motor to produce a varying magnetic field throughout the plate which in turn influences the forms produced. Varying magnetic field results in a kinetic movement throughout the form.
Medium: Metal spheres (1mm)