This experiment is a work in progress and it intends to focus on the pace of waiting at the waiting rooms in the stations. A wait sometimes can be stagnant and often requires oneself to either break out of it or to remain as it is. I am trying to focus on the intermediate spaces of the wait, between Rest and Movement.
Pace being the speed or rate at which something happens or develops, I have tried to translate the activities of movement in passengers through a line and their Rest through a blotch which is invariably created because of the activities in the environment which is picked up by the device.
This device draws lines depending on the movements around it and focuses on the Pace of wait. I installed Infrared sensors between the pillars of the seating area.
The device would be triggered when the passengers get off of their seats or are moving around in the limits of the sensor. Only a passenger who has just gotten off of his seat or moving around the set parameter would obstruct the infrared beam's path and trigger the sensor. The sensors are connected to a setup which contains 2 DC motors and a lever and hinges which control the movement of a PEN which draws lines according to the triggered sensors. Each motor is connected to a separate sensor which allows the device to achieve randomized forms that are created by the PEN.

Although many people were curious as to what the 'Device' that was installed there was and what it does and how it works, only a few engaged in knowing the facts about it. Others looked at the device and perceived it to be whatever they understood of it. The people who engaged in a conversation with me couldn’t really related to why I have created this device as practically it has no function but only a purpose that is set to translate the movements in a set parameter. Most of the people somehow thought that the screen of the display board had to do something to do with the device as it was placed right below it and the wiring of the device was taken from near the screen. I like how each one could probably have a perception of the installation. Somehow I feel it left people curious to as only some made the efforts to reach out and get answers. The installation has definitely opened up many more possibilities and giving me a deeper understanding of what I had visualized earlier. It is something that will developed over a period of time which gives me possibilities to look at the layers of pace in conceptualization and medium.
medium: dc motors, gears, wood, mdf, sketch pen